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In offshore drilling, previously unexplored areas. The number of directional or inclined wans is increasing as the search for petroleum moves into previously unexplored areas. For this reason, pressure recovery in the downhill sections is usually pressure recovery in the downhill sections is usually neglected in the design of two-phase pipelines. This is not the case for two-phase flow, because the liquid holdup, and thus the mixture density, are usually much lower in downhill flow. This presents no problem in single-phase flow because the potential energy problem in single-phase flow because the potential energy lost going uphill is regained in the downhill section. Many gathering lines and long-distance pipelines pass through areas of hilly terrain. Several good correlations exist for predicting pressure drop and liquid holdup in either predicting pressure drop and liquid holdup in either horizontal or vertical flow, but these correlations have not been successful when applied to inclined flow. Although extensive research in two-phase flow has been conducted during the last 25 years, most of this research has concentrated on either horizontal or vertical flow. To design these systems, a method of predicting two-phase-flow pressure gradients is required. As the natural reservoir energy is depleted, many wells are equipped with artificial-lift systems such as gas lift. Most gas-producing wells produce some liquid and most oil wells produce some gas. More than one-half the natural gas gathered in the U. In the petroleum industry, two-phase flow occurs in pipelines and in oil and gas wells. Two-phase flow occurs frequently in chemical processing, and the design of processing equipment and piping systems requites knowledge of pressure drop, liquid holdup, and often flow pattern. In the nuclear industry, two-phase flow occurs in reactor cooling equipment, and liquid holdup greatly affects heat transfer. The prediction of pressure drop and liquid holdup occurring during two-phase gas-liquid flow in pipes is of particular interest to the petroleum, chemical, and nuclear industries.

Vib ribbon wiki